Latest news
15/10/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.5.0 is out. .Get it here.22/08/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.4.2 is out. .Get it here
15/08/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.4.1 is out. .Get it here.
15/07/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.4 is out. .Get it here. Sorry it's been so long coming :-)
06/02/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.3 is out. Get it here. This release features DVD burning and much much more. See the official site for more details.
25/01/2005 - GnomeBaker 0.3 is out soon. We are just about to start testing ready for release.
10/01/2005 - GnomeBaker is now up at sourceforge. The sourceforge home page is here.
22/11/2004 - GnomeBaker 0.2 is out. You can now burn audio cds from wavs, mp3s and oggs. View the ChangeLog for a complete list of changes. Thanks to everyone who contributed to patches, icons, graphics and testing.
14/11/2004 - Release 0.2 is in test. Assuming no showstoppers are found it will be out within the week.
17/09/2004 - Audio cd creation is coming soon. I haven't had as much time as I would like to work on this lately but I hope to release 0.2 soon.
18/07/2004 - Miroslav Strugarevic sent me some new icons which will be added to the next release. Thanks Miroslav.
17/07/2004 - Version 1.0 released. Feedback indicates that it doesn't work on FreeBSD. I'm currently looking into this and hope to have a fix soon.
GnomeBaker is a GTK2/Gnome cd burning application. I've been writing it in my spare time so progress is fairly slow. It's more of a personal project as I wanted to have a go at developing on Linux and I figured that as I had got this far I may as well let it loose on the world. Maybe someone will like it and use it.If you have any suggestions then please feel free to email me at .
GnomeBaker's dependencies are:
libgnomeui-2.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 libglade-2.0 cdtools mkisofs growisofs dvd+rw-tools gstreamer-0.8 (vorbis, mad, flac and misc packages)
So far it can do the following:
* Create audio cds from existing wavs, mp3, flac and oggs
* Import M3u and pls audio playlists.
* Create data cds
* Blank rewritable disks
* Copy data cds
* Copy audio cds
* Burn existing cd iso images
* Can burn via scsi and atapi on linux kernels 2.4 and 2.6. Basically if cdrecord works then GnomeBaker will work.
* Drag and drop to create data cds (including DnD to and from nautilus)
* Integrate with gconf for storage of application settings
* Burn DVDs.
* Supports multisession burning
* Blank/Format DVDs
* Burn Cue/Bin files
* Burn data cds on the fly
In the future it will also do the following and hopefully much more:
* Create video cds from existing video and stills
* Create mixed mode cds
Screenshots - version 0.2

Screenshots - version 0.1

I haven't really thought about this too much but the releases will hopefully be something like this:Version 0.1 | Initial development release |
Version 0.2 | Add audio cd creation |
Version 0.3 | Add multisession capability |
Version 0.4 | Add mixed cd creation |
Version 0.5 | Add on the fly burning |
Version 0.6 | Add video cd creation |
Download GnomeBaker 0.2Download GnomeBaker 0.1